True innovation meets concrete needs.
Anticipating consumer needs
Every day sees us working on new ideas and solutions to help improve consumers’ lives.
Constantly monitoring consumption data and market trends, we analyse consumer habits and lifestyles to anticipate emerging needs.
A history of innovation
Our product history is the backbone of our success, telling a remarkable story of prolific creativity and breakthrough innovations that have spurred us on to ever greater goals. We pride ourselves not only on having introduced a series of ‘new products’, but on having through this shaped the course of the industry with food packaging icons that have earned our customers immense market success and the enduring affection of end consumers. Our established cross-fertilisation approach has greatly benefited the innovation stream, capitalising on the broad scope of our materials and technology know-how, acquired through years of multi-category experience.

Pioneering materials and technology research
We’re relentless in our materials and technology research, while continuously evaluating industry developments, well aware that the creation of innovative products often proceeds hand in hand with the development of new technological solutions.
Seda’s Research Team is located in our Centre of Excellence near Naples, where our engineers investigate and select the optimal combination of materials and technologies to meet specific customer requirements. Once identified, we can produce prototypes quickly and accurately, converting an idea into a true finished product in record time, either for pilot testing or to proceed directly to the industrialisation phase.
We have an enviable track record for ‘raising the bar’ in our production technology, constantly pushing automation and lean processes while working swiftly towards complete integration with Digital 4.0 platforms. This also sees us working closely with our tech suppliers to design bespoke production systems that benefit directly from Seda’s know-how and experience.